Recolector de la eteresfera
Artefacto — Vehículo
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Cuando el Recolector de la eteresfera entre al campo de batalla, obtienes

(dos contadores de energía).

: El Recolector de la eteresfera gana la habilidad de vínculo vital hasta el final del turno.
Tripular 1. (Girar cualquier cantidad de criaturas que controlas con una fuerza total de 1 o más: Este Vehículo se convierte en una criatura artefacto hasta el final del turno.)
Some triggered abilities that state that you "may pay" a certain amount of
describe an effect that happens "If you do." In that case, no player may take actions to try to stop the ability's effect after you make your choice. If the payment is followed by the phrase "When you do," then you'll choose any targets for that reflexive triggered ability and put it on the stack before players can take actions.