Protector de jeroglíficos
Criatura — Esfinge
5 / 3
Siempre que el Protector de jeroglíficos sea objetivo de un hechizo o habilidad por primera vez en cada turno, contrarresta ese hechizo o habilidad.

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, exiliar esta carta de tu cementerio: Crea una ficha que es una copia de esta carta, excepto que es una Esfinge Zombie blanca sin coste de maná. Activa la habilidad de embalsamar solo como un conjuro.)
If a spell or ability puts a creature card with embalm into your graveyard during your main phase, you'll have priority immediately after that spell or ability resolves. You can activate the creature card's embalm ability before any player can exile it with an effect, such as that of Crook of Condemnation, if it's legal for you to do so.