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倾曳 (当你使用此咒语时,从你的牌库顶开始将牌移出对战,直到移出一张费用比此咒语低且不是地的牌为止。 你可以使用该牌,并且不需支付其法术力费用。 将所移出对战的牌以随机顺序置于牌库底。)
Due to a 2021 rules change to cascade, not only do you stop exiling cards if you exile a nonland card with lesser mana value than the spell with cascade, but the resulting spell you cast must also have lesser mana value. Previously, in cases where a card's mana value differed from the resulting spell, such as with some modal double-faced cards or cards with an Adventure, you could cast a spell with a higher mana value than the exiled card.