생물 — 엘드라지 처리자
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결여 (이 카드는 무색이다.)

, 추방 영역에서 상대가 소유한 카드 한 장을 그 플레이어의 무덤에 넣는다: 카드 한 장을 뽑은 후 카드 한 장을 버린다.
If a replacement effect will cause cards that would be put into a graveyard from anywhere to be exiled instead (such as the one created by Anafenza, the Foremost), you can still put an exiled card into its opponent’s graveyard. The card becomes a new object and remains in exile. In this situation, you can’t use a single exiled card if required to put more than one exiled card into the graveyard. Conversely, you could use the same card in this situation if two separate spells or abilities each required you to put a single exiled card into its owner’s graveyard.