Encantamiento — Clase
(Gana un nivel como un conjuro para agregar su habilidad.)
Cuando el Talento: caza entre, la criatura objetivo que controlas hace una cantidad de daño igual a su fuerza a la criatura objetivo que no controlas.

: Nivel 2
Siempre que ataques, la criatura atacante objetivo obtiene +1/+0 y gana la habilidad de arrollar hasta el final del turno.

: Nivel 3
Al comienzo de tu paso final, si controlas una criatura con fuerza de 4 o más, roba una carta.
Hunter's Talent's level 3 class ability will trigger only once during your end step, no matter how many creatures you control with power 4 or greater. However, if you don't control a creature with power 4 or greater as your end step begins, the ability won't trigger at all. It's not possible to put a creature with power 4 or greater onto the battlefield or increase a creature's power to 4 or greater during the end step in time to have the ability trigger. If you don't control any creatures with power 4 or greater when the ability resolves, the ability won't do anything.