Criatura legendaria — Druida oso
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Siempre que Ruxa, profesor paciente entre al campo de batalla o ataque, regresa la carta de criatura objetivo sin habilidades de tu cementerio a tu mano.
Las criaturas que controlas sin habilidades obtienen +1/+1.
Puedes hacer que las criaturas que controlas sin habilidades hagan su daño de combate como si no hubieran sido bloqueadas.
A creature or creature card with no abilities is one with no rules text at all. This includes true vanilla creatures (including Grizzly Bears, Runeclaw Bear, Bear Cub, and other adorable bear students), face-down creatures, many tokens, and creatures that have lost their abilities. Abilities that function only in zones other than the battlefield count. For example, a creature with cycling
is not a creature with no abilities.