Créature : élémental et changeforme
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: Le Roncelin acquiert la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour.

: Le Roncelin acquiert le piétinement jusqu'à la fin du tour.

: Le Roncelin est indestructible ce tour-ci.

: Le Roncelin gagne +1/-1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.

: Le Roncelin gagne -1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.
Lethal damage and effects that say "destroy" won't cause a creature with indestructible to be put into the graveyard. However, a creature with indestructible can be put into the graveyard for a number of reasons. The most likely reasons are if it's sacrificed, if it's legendary and another legendary creature with the same name is controlled by the same player, or if its toughness is 0 or less.