クリーチャー — エレメンタル
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:望む数のクリーチャーを対象とする。生きている業火はそれらに、自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを好きなように割り振って与える。 それらの各クリーチャーは、自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを生きている業火に与える。
The amount of damage Living Inferno will deal is locked in as you activate its ability, since you're dividing damage. If Living Inferno's power changes after its ability is activated but before it resolves (via Giant Growth, for example), the amount of damage Living Inferno deals won't change. The same is *not* true for the amount of damage dealt to Living Inferno by the other creatures, which is determined when the ability resolves.