당신이 생명점을 얻을 때마다, 당신은

를 지불할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.

: 생명연결을 가진 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.
Each creature with lifelink dealing combat damage causes a separate life-gaining event. For example, if two creatures you control with lifelink deal combat damage at the same time, Dawn of Hope's ability will trigger twice. However, if a single creature you control with lifelink deals combat damage to multiple creatures, players, planeswalkers, and/or battles at the same time (perhaps because it has trample or was blocked by more than one creature), the ability will trigger only once.