부여마법 생물 — 인간 성직자
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성좌 — 저승 동전 대장장이나 다른 부여마법이 당신의 조종 하에 전장에 들어올 때마다, 당신은 생명 1점을 얻는다.

, 생명 1점을 지불한다: 각 상대는 생명 1점을 잃는다.
An Aura spell without bestow that has an illegal target when it tries to resolve won't resolve and will be put into its owner's graveyard. It won't enter the battlefield and constellation abilities won't trigger. An Aura spell with bestow won't be countered this way. It will revert to being an enchantment creature and resolve, entering the battlefield and triggering constellation abilities.