생물 — 그렘린
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원기왕성한 유충이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은

(에너지 카운터 두 개)를 얻는다.
원기왕성한 유충이 공격할 때마다, 당신은

를 지불할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 원기왕성한 유충에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.
Some triggered abilities that state that you "may pay" a certain amount of
describe an effect that happens "If you do." In that case, no player may take actions to try to stop the ability's effect after you make your choice. If the payment is followed by the phrase "When you do," then you'll choose any targets for that reflexive triggered ability and put it on the stack before players can take actions.