마법물체 — 탑승물
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밀수꾼의 비행선이 공격 또는 방어할 때마다, 당신은 카드 한 장을 뽑을 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 카드 한 장을 버린다.
탑승 1 (당신이 조종하는 생물을 공격력 총합이 1 이상이 되도록 원하는 수만큼 탭한다: 이 탑승물은 턴종료까지 마법물체 생물이 된다.)
For a Vehicle to be able to attack, it must be a creature as the declare attackers step begins, so the latest you can activate its crew ability to attack with it is during the beginning of combat step. For a Vehicle to be able to block, it must be a creature as the declare blockers step begins, so the latest you can activate its crew ability to block with it is during the declare attackers step. In either case, players may take actions after the crew ability resolves but before the Vehicle has been declared as an attacking or blocking creature.