Matzalantli, la gran puerta
Artefacto legendario

: Roba una carta, luego descarta una carta.


: Transforma a Matzalantli, la gran puerta. Activa esto solo si entre las cartas de tu cementerio hay cuatro o más tipos de permanente. (Artefacto, batalla, criatura, encantamiento, tierra y planeswalker son tipos de permanente.)
Tierra legendaria
(Se transforma de Matzalantli.)
Descenso abismal —

: Agrega X manás de un color cualquiera, donde X es la cantidad de cartas de permanente en tu cementerio.
Some descend triggered abilities include intervening "if" clauses (i.e. "if you have [four or eight] permanent cards in your graveyard" in the middle of the ability). Each of these abilities checks your graveyard at the moment it would trigger to see if it does. If you don't have the required number of permanent cards in your graveyard at that time, the ability doesn't trigger at all. If it does trigger, it will check again as it tries to resolve. If you don't have the required number of permanent cards in your graveyard at that time, the ability won't resolve and none of its effects will happen.