생물 — 좀비
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돌진봉합 악귀가 전장에 들어올 시에, 당신의 무덤에서 원하는 만큼의 생물 카드를 추방한다.봉합 악귀의 공격력은 이렇게 추방된 카드들의 총 공격력과 똑같고, 봉합악귀의 방어력은 이렇게 추방된 카드들의 총 방어력과 똑같다.
If any of the creature cards you exile has a characteristic-defining ability that defines its power and/or toughness, that ability will apply. For example, if Dungrove Elder is exiled this way, its power and toughness while it's in exile are equal to the number of Forests you control, and Sutured Ghoul's power and toughness will change as the number of Forests you control changes. If the characteristic-defining ability can't be applied (for instance, it relies on a choice made as the card enters), then use 0.