생물 — 천사
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각 종료단 시작에, 당신이 이 턴에 생명 5점 이상을 얻었다면, 비행과 경계를 가진 4/4 백색 천사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.

: 턴종료까지, 휘황찬란한 천사는 +2/+2를 받고 생명연결을 얻는다.
Resplendent Angel's triggered ability checks if you gained 5 or more life total during the turn. It doesn't matter if you also lost life or whether your life total is greater than it was at the beginning of the turn. It also doesn't matter whether Resplendent Angel was on the battlefield when any of the life gain happened.