전설적 생물 — 용
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불꽃의 아가리, 드라쿠세스가 공격할 때마다, 원하는 목표 및 최대 두 개까지 다른 목표를 정한다. 드라쿠세스는 첫 번째 목표에게 피해 4점을 입히고 나머지 목표들에 각각 피해 3점을 입힌다.
If Drakuseth attacks a planeswalker and that planeswalker is reduced to 0 loyalty from the damage caused by Drakuseth's ability, Drakuseth continues to attack. It can be blocked, and it won't deal any combat damage if it's not blocked. The same is true if Drakuseth attacks a battle and that battle is reduced to 0 defense from the damage caused by Drakuseth's ability.