생물 — 뱀
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: 이 생물에 레벨 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 당신은 집중마법을 발동 할 수 있는 시기에만 레벨업을 활성화할 수 있다.)
레벨 3 -7
순간마법으로부터 보호
레벨 8+
모든 것으로부터 보호
Level abilities count the number of level counters on the creature. Hexdrinker starts with zero level counters. Once it has at least three but no more than seven level counters, it’s 4/4 and has protection from instants. Once it has eight or more level counters, it’s 6/6 and has protection from everything. It always has level up