Creatura Artefatto — Uccello
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Ogniqualvolta il Falcone Ambito attacca, prendi il controllo di un permanente bersaglio che possiedi ma che non controlli.

Quando il Falcone Ambito viene girato a faccia in su, un avversario bersaglio prende il controllo di un qualsiasi numero di permanenti bersaglio che controlli. Peschi una carta per ogni permanente di cui ha preso il controllo in questo modo.
You must ensure that your face-down spells and permanents can be easily differentiated from each other. You’re not allowed to mix up the cards that represent them on the battlefield to confuse other players. The order in which they entered the battlefield should remain clear, as well as what ability caused them to be face down. (This includes disguise, cloak, and in games involving older cards, morph and manifest, as well as a few other effects that turn cards face down.) Common methods for doing this include using markers or dice, or simply placing them in order on the battlefield.