Erweckerin des Wildfeuers
Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer
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Wenn die Erweckerin des Wildfeuers ins Spiel kommt, erzeuge X 1/1 rote Elementarwesen-Kreaturenspielsteine mit „Immer wenn diese Kreatur getappt wird, fügt sie einem Spieler deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu."
If a creature you control has a mana ability with
in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell's costs. You won't be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won't be on the battlefield when you pay the spell's costs, so you won't be able to tap it for convoke.