Guerrillera revoloteadora
Criatura — Bribón hada
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Cuando la Guerrillera revoloteadora muera, cada jugador muele dos cartas. Luego puedes exiliar la Guerrillera revoloteadora. Cuando lo hagas, pon la carta de criatura o de batalla objetivo de tu cementerio en la parte superior de tu biblioteca. (Para moler dos cartas, un jugador pone las dos primeras cartas de su biblioteca en su cementerio.)
The triggered ability of Flitting Guerrilla triggers and goes on the stack without a target. If you exile Flitting Guerrilla, the second "reflexive" triggered ability will trigger. You'll choose the target creature or battle card for that second ability at that time. You may choose a card you just milled as the target or a card that was already in your graveyard.