



,牺牲一个生物:从你的牌库中搜寻一张生物牌,且此牌之总法术力费用需为所牺牲之生物的总法术力费用加1,将它放进战场,然后将你的牌库洗牌。 你只可以于你能施放法术的时机下起动此异能。
A creature's mana value is determined solely by the mana symbols printed in its upper right corner (unless that creature is copying something else; see below). If its mana cost includes
, X is considered to be 0. If it has no mana symbols in its upper right corner (because it's an animated land, for example), its mana value is 0. Ignore any alternative costs or additional costs (such as kicker) paid when the creature was cast.