Olivia, forajida opulenta
Criatura legendaria — Asesino vampiro
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Vuela, vínculo vital.
Siempre que uno o más forajidos que controlas hagan daño de combate a un jugador, crea una ficha de Tesoro. (Los Asesinos, Mercenarios, Piratas, Bribones y Brujos son forajidos.)

, sacrificar dos Tesoros: Pon dos contadores +1/+1 sobre cada criatura que controlas. Activa esto solo como un conjuro.
If an ability refers to an outlaw or whether a player controls an outlaw, it’s referring only to permanents with one or more of the creature types specified above. Notably, it’s not referring to any spell or card not on the battlefield. However, other abilities may refer to an “outlaw spell” or “outlaw card” in a zone other than the battlefield. Those abilities refer to spells and cards with one or more of the specified creature types.