
: Agrega un maná de cualquier color.


: Pon un contador de recompensa sobre la criatura objetivo. Activa esto solo como un conjuro.
Siempre que una criatura con un contador de recompensa sobre ella muera, cada uno de los oponentes de su controlador roba una carta y gana 2 vidas.
Bounty Board’s last ability looks for any bounty counter on any creature, not just one from that Bounty Board. For example, say players A and B each control a Bounty Board and player C controls a creature with a bounty counter on it (no matter how that bounty counter got there). When that creature dies, the ability each Bounty Board will trigger. Each of those abilities will cause players A and B to draw a card and gain 2 life, for a total of two cards and 4 life for each of them. Player C is left only with a creature to mourn and revenge on their mind.