待機 10―


を支払ってゲームから取り除き、その上に時間カウンターを10個置いてもよい。 あなたのアップキープの開始時に、時間カウンターを1個取り除く。 最後の1個を取り除いたとき、あなたはそれをマナ・コストを支払わずにプレイする。
Suspend is a keyword that represents three abilities. The first is a static ability that allows you to exile the card from your hand with the specified number of time counters (the number before the dash) on it by paying its suspend cost (listed after the dash). The second is a triggered ability that removes a time counter from the suspended card at the beginning of each of your upkeeps. The third is a triggered ability that gives you the option to cast the card when the last time counter is removed.