Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer
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Wenn die Manische Schreiberin ins Spiel kommt, legt jeder Gegner die obersten drei Karten seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof.
Delirium — Zu Beginn des Versorgungssegments jedes Gegners und falls dein Friedhof vier oder mehr unterschiedliche Kartentypen enthält, legt dieser Spieler die obersten drei Karten seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof.
Most triggered delirium abilities use an intervening "if" clause. There must be four or more card types among cards in your graveyard in order for these abilities to trigger, otherwise they never trigger at all. There's no way to have the ability trigger if there aren't enough card types, even if you intend to raise that number in response to the triggered ability. The number of card types is checked again as the trigger resolves, and if it has become too low somehow, the ability does nothing. If which card types are in your graveyard changes but the quantity of card types stays the same (or increases), then the delirium triggered ability will still resolve.