
, descartar una carta: Crea una ficha de criatura Plaga negra y verde 1/1 con "Cuando esta criatura muera, ganas 1 vida".


: Cada oponente muele una cantidad de cartas igual a la cantidad de vidas que ganaste este turno.


: Exilia cuatro cartas objetivo de un solo cementerio. Roba una carta.

Regresa hasta dos cartas de criatura, tierra y/o planeswalker objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano. Cada jugador gana 4 vidas. Exilia el Estallido restaurativo.

You may cast Restorative Burst with no targets. If you do, each player will gain 4 life and you’ll exile Restorative Burst. However, if you choose one or two target cards, and each of those cards is an illegal target as Restorative Burst tries to resolve (usually because something else moved them in response), Restorative Burst won’t resolve and none of its effects will happen. No one will gain life, and Restorative Burst won’t be exiled.