생물 — 용
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당신은 단과 단계가 끝나도 사용되지 않은 적색 마나를 잃지 않는다.
수맥 폭군이 죽을 때, 당신은 원하는 만큼

를 지불할 수 있다. 그렇게 할 때, 원하는 목표를 정한다. 수맥 폭군은 그 목표에게 그만큼 피해를 입힌다.
Leyline Tyrant's last ability goes on the stack without a target. While that ability is resolving, you may pay any amount of red mana, including from the unspent mana you have. If you do, a second ability triggers and you pick one target to be dealt that much damage. This is different from abilities that say "If you do . . ." in that players may cast spells and activate abilities after mana is paid but before the damage is dealt.