Artefakt — Fahrzeug
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Immer wenn die Mobile Garnison angreift, enttappe ein anderes Artefakt oder eine andere Kreatur, das bzw. die du kontrollierst.
Bemannen 2 (Tappe eine beliebige Anzahl an Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst und die zusammen Stärke 2 oder mehr haben: Dieses Fahrzeug wird bis zum Ende des Zuges zu einer Artefaktkreatur.)
For a Vehicle to be able to attack, it must be a creature as the declare attackers step begins, so the latest you can activate its crew ability to attack with it is during the beginning of combat step. For a Vehicle to be able to block, it must be a creature as the declare blockers step begins, so the latest you can activate its crew ability to block with it is during the declare attackers step. In either case, players may take actions after the crew ability resolves but before the Vehicle has been declared as an attacking or blocking creature.