クリーチャー — ドワーフ・戦士
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紛争 ― 銛撃ちの名手が戦場に出たとき、このターンにあなたがコントロールするパーマネントが戦場を離れていた場合、対戦相手がコントロールするタップ状態のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。
All cards in the Aether Revolt set with triggered revolt abilities use an intervening "if" clause. A permanent you controlled must have left the battlefield earlier in the turn in order for these abilities to trigger; otherwise they do nothing. In other words, there's no way to have the ability trigger if no permanent you controlled has left the battlefield that turn, even if you intend to have one do so in response to the triggered ability.