Stregone del Sangue Ribollente
Creatura — Sciamano Umano
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Ogniqualvolta lo Stregone del Sangue Ribollente entra nel campo di battaglia, prendi l'iniziativa.
Corona di Follia —

, Sacrifica un artefatto o una creatura: Sprona una creatura bersaglio. (Fino al tuo prossimo turno, quella creatura attacca in ogni combattimento un giocatore diverso da te, se può farlo.)
The initiative is a designation a player can have. A player with the initiative designation is said to “have the initiative.” The initiative carries two inherent rules. First, whenever a player takes the initiative, and at the beginning of the upkeep of the player with the initiative, that player ventures into Undercity. Second, whenever one or more creatures a player controls deal combat damage to the player who has the initiative, the first player takes the initiative. Also, some abilities will refer to having the initiative and provide other benefits.