Enchantement — aura et rune
Enchanter : permanent
Quand la Rune de puissance arrive sur le champ de bataille, piochez une carte.
Tant que le permanent enchanté est une créature, il gagne +1/+1 et a le piétinement.
Tant que le permanent enchanté est un équipement, il a « La créature équipée gagne +1/+1 et a le piétinement. »
Runes can target and be attached to any permanent, even one that isn't currently a creature or an Equipment. You can cast a Rune choosing a Vehicle as the target, for example. The Rune's enters-the-battlefield ability will trigger, and you'll draw a card. The Rune won't do anything while the Vehicle isn't a creature, but if it becomes one later, the appropriate ability will start applying.