Creatura — Guerriero Angelo
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Quando la Marescialla Splendente entra nel campo di battaglia o muore, puoi esiliare un'altra carta creatura dal tuo cimitero. Quando lo fai, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su ogni creatura che controlli diversa dalla Marescialla Splendente che condivide un tipo di creatura con la carta esiliata.
You don’t choose which creature card you’re exiling, if any, until the triggered ability is resolving. When you do, the reflexive triggered ability triggers. Players may respond to this reflexive triggered ability, knowing the creature types of the card you exiled and which creatures might get a +1/+1 counter. This is different than effects that say “If you do” in that players may take actions after you’ve exiled another creature card but before putting counters on other creatures you control.